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Skeleton Kits

Skeletons in a Box
If you are interested in checking out the kits contact Christy Hronkin at CHS. Phone 907-861-5456 or email at 
 Colony High School has the following skeletons that can be checked out for educational purposes :
3 moose
2 wolves
2 black bears
1 lynx 
black bear
                                                                                   Black Bear                                                                                           Wolf
                                                                                       Lynx                                                                                                      moose
bear 1
lynx 1
wolf 1
The kits can be checked out by any organization as long as the organization agrees to:
  • return the skeletons within 2 weeks unless other arrangements are made
  • all glue is removed from the bones
  • bones returned to the correct containers
  • don't write anything on the bones
  • replace hot glue sticks, and rubber bands 
  • leave all bolts in the stand
  • make sure tools, glue gun and manuals are returned to each box
  • if any bones are broken please note and inform Christy Hronkin once the boxes are returned
Skeleton in a Box kits started in 2003 when Tim Lundt, science teacher at Burchell High School received a grant from Alaska Department of Fish and Game to create 6 portable kits ( 2 moose, 2 wolves and 2 black bears).  These kits have been articulated by hundreds of students over the years as a way to learn about Alaska wildlife, anatomy  and the differences between animals.   Since then students at Mat-Su Career & Technical HS created a third moose kit, lynx kit and now 2 wood bison kits.