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Technical Drafting 1
Technical Drafting 1 covers the principles of drafting design and computer-assisted drawing. In industry, ideas about a design are often communicated through a special kind of technical drawing process called drafting. Drafting provides many career opportunities in engineering design and communication. Students will learn how products are conceived, designed, and prepared for manufacturing. Emphasis is placed on accuracy, neatness, and time management, while representing objects in technical drawings.
Technical Drafting 2
Technical Drafting 2 covers the advanced drawing methods and techniques related to engineering design and computer-assisted drawing. Emphasis is placed on methods of fastening products together and on developing working drawings. It is recommended for students wishing to continue with the technology courses as well as for students going into the field of engineering or other design drafting related occupations or educational programs. Examples would be interest in civil engineering, welding, and automotive design.
Technical Drafting 3
Technical Drafting 3 introduces and develops 3-D modeling skills. Emphasis is in welding, cams, gears, surface developments and intersections. This course would be helpful for a student who is exploring careers in construction, electricity, electronics, computers, welding, or machining. Students wanting careers in engineering design, automotive design, civil design, or 3-D modeling would also be interested in the class.
Technical Drafting 4
Technical Drafting 4 covers the advanced drawing methods and techniques related to engineering design, basic descriptive geometry and computer-assisted drawing. It is recommended for students exploring the career fields of engineering or other design drafting-related occupations or educational programs. This course would also be helpful for a student who is exploring careers in electricity, electronics, computers, welding, or machining. Technical Drafting 4 refines the skills learned in Technical Drafting 3 on an individual project related to the student’s interest.
Architectural Drafting 1
Prerequisite:Technical Drafting 1 & 2
Grade: 10-12 Credit: .5
Architectural Drafting 1 provides the basic information necessary for planning single level residential dwellings. It presents basic instruction in preparing architectural working drawings using computer-based methods. It is intended to help develop the necessary technical skills to communicate architectural ideas in an understandable, efficient, and accurate manner. Students who are interested in careers in construction; for example, architects, computer-aided drafters, surveyors, planners and designers would benefit from this course.
Architectural Drafting 2
Architectural Drafting 2 provides the basic information necessary for planning multi-level single family dwellings. It presents advanced instruction in preparing architectural working drawings, sites, pictorials, elevations and floor plans using computer-based methods. It is intended to help develop the necessary technical skills to communicate architectural ideas in an understandable, efficient, and accurate manner. Students who are interested in careers in construction; for example, architects, computer-aided drafters, surveyors, planners and designers would benefit from this course.
Architectural Drafting 3
Architectural Drafting 3 covers multi-family commercial dwellings. Emphasis is placed on individual design problems. Students will explore 3D modeling design. Students who are interested in careers in construction; for example, architects, computer-aided drafters, surveyors, planners, realtors and designers would benefit from this course.
Architectural Drafting 4
Architectural Drafting 4 is designed to teach students commercial applications and to take students farther in advanced individual design problems. Students will develop projects in 3D modeling in commercial applications. Problems students will work on are provided by the Women in Construction, American Institute of Architecture, and SkillsUSA. Students who are interested in careers in construction; for example, architects, computer-aided drafters, surveyors, planners and designers would benefit from this course.