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Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts 1
Introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following seven units will be covered:
1) Successful Customer Relations
2) Preparing and Serving Safe Food
3) Preventing Accidents and Injuries
4) Kitchen Basis
5) Food Service Equipment
6) Nutrition
7) Preparing for a Successful Career.
Culinary Arts 1 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course.
Culinary Arts 2
Introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester:
1) Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches,
2) Working with People
3) Salads and Garnishes
4) Business Math
5) Fruits and Vegetables
6) Controlling Food Service Costs.
A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary Arts 2 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association. There are four culinary arts classes. They do not have to be taken in sequence. Students who are interested in becoming chefs or working in the restaurant industry would benefit from this course.
Culinary Arts 3
Introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester:
1) The History of Food Service,
2) Potatoes and Grains,
3) The Lodging Industry,
4) The Art of Service,
5) Desserts and Baked Goods, and
6) Marketing and the Menu.
A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary Arts 3 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning.
Culinary Arts 4
Introduces students to careers in food service and teaches them the basic skills and knowledge needed for success in the food service industry. The following six units will be covered this semester:
1) Purchasing and Inventory Control
2) Meat, Poultry and Seafood
3) Standard Accounting Practices
4) Stocks, Soups, and Sauces
5) Tourism and the Retail Industry
6) Communicating with Customers.
A minimum of 20 lab activity/cooking hours will be included. Culinary Arts 4 is a ProStart curriculum developed by the National Restaurant Association as part of the school-to-career approach to learning.
Food & Nutrition
Food ScienceThis course utilizes a science laboratory and the scientific methodology for understanding the impact of food on the human body.  This is a laboratory course that uses experimental methods with tools for hands-on learning. This course would benefit students interested in careers in sports medicine, culinary arts, dietetics, and nutrition.